There are a number of new protocols which must be followed to ensure everyone’s safety.
- No child should attend class if they are showing symptoms of Covid; elevated temperature, sore throat, cough etc.
- Parents/Guardians should drop students at the door and not enter the building, with the exception of children in Jun/Sen Infants and 1st/2nd/3rd class, who can be accompanied in and out of class.
- It is imperative that children are dropped off and collected on time.
- No food, drink, or any items from home are to be brought to class.
- Seating will be arranged to facilitate distancing.
- Group sizes will be kept small to facilitate distancing.
- If a child feels unwell or develops symptoms during class, the parent/guardian will be called immediately to collect their child.
- All chairs and surfaces, door handles & bathroom facilities will be wiped down thoroughly before & after each class.
- There will be a supply of hand sanitizer at the door and in the classroom for everyone to use.
- There is a one way system while entering and existing the building.